Therapeutic Massage is the medium used to communicate with clients. How this medium is used to deliver therapeutic massage determines the true value of service to my clients. What this means is I Touch U, Inc will deliver therapeutic massage in a context of meeting the client’s physical and emotional goals. For instance, if the client is a tennis player, I Touch U, Inc can provide therapeutic massage in the context of getting him/her to play at a higher level or to improve his/her game. If a baby, I Touch U, Inc can position massage therapy to the mother, that a healthy and happy baby learns faster, etc. If the client is a businessperson he/she can be made more creative and increase his profits when more relaxed. An insurance company saves money if the client is made healthy faster and can get back to work. As such, I Touch U, Inc will position massage therapy as a means for clients to meet their goals. Rationale: To make an art form out of benefitting others daily in life becomes a natural behavior when dealing with clients. This is not an act that can be readily turned off and on for over a long period of time. People will eventually see through insincerity. The good news here is that good people are willing to continue as loyal clients when they truly believe that total efforts are being put forth for their personal benefit. This philosophy affects all aspects of business. It affects selling, communications and quality of work in addition to the image of I Touch U, Inc.
Sharon Pelle, Pres/CEO
I Touch U, Inc.
P.O. Box 1134
Oakland, CA94611